Totem pole output for ttl logic families

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It is suitable for developing new integrated circuits. The TTL or Transistor-Transistor Logic logic was invented in the year 1961 by “James L. This article discusses an overview of a Transistor-Transistor Logic or TTL. Out of these, RTL and DTL are rarely used. The different logic families areRTL(Resistor Transistor Logic), DTL(Diode Transistor Logic), TTL(Transistor-Transistor Logic), ECL(Emitter Coupled Logic) & CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic). Digital logic circuits are manufactured depending on the specific circuit technology or logic families.

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Different Gate’s are constructed using Integrated circuits. The Gates are manufactured using semiconductor devices like BJT, Diodes, or FETs.

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Logic Gates like NAND, NOR are used in daily applications for performing logic operations.

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